Webhooks allow you to receive HTTP callbacks at user-defined URIs when certain events occur.

You can receive webhooks using GET or POST.


The following events are supported.

Event NameDescription
Call.CompleteFired at the end of a phone call.


Common Parameters

The following parameters are present in every request.

ActionstringValue will be: Webhook
EventstringThe name of the event as per the event table.
Account.SidstringThe secure identifier of the applicable account.
Property.SidstringThe secure identifier of the applicable property.
Property.NamestringThe name of the property. For website properties, this will be the domain name.
Property.TypestringThe type of property this represents. The value currently can only be Site

Call Parameters

The following parameters are present in every phone call related request.

Call.SidstringThe secure identifier of the call.
Call.StartDatestringThe date and time of the call in UTC and formatted as yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.
Call.FromstringThe caller ID of the caller in E164 (international) format. Can be anonymous if the caller ID is unavailable.
Call.From.CountrystringThe country where the call originated. Will be blank if unknown.
Call.From.RegionstringThe region/state where the call originated. Will be blank if unknown or not applicable.
Call.From.CitystringThe city where the call originated. Will be blank if unknown.
Call.TostringThe phone number that was dialled in E164 (international) format.
Call.To.TypestringThe type of phone number that was dialled. Can either be Static or Dynamic
Call.To.NamestringThe name of the phone number as configured in the account.
Call.DurationintegerThe duration of the call in seconds.
Call.DispositionstringThe outcome of the call.
Call.Recording.UristringOptional. The URI of the call recording.
Call.EndpointstringOptional. The endpoint phone number where the call was transferred in E164 (international) format.
Call.Survey.TypestringOptional. The call type selected in the agent survey.
Call.Survey.ValueintegerOptional. The value entered in the agent survey.
Call.Survey.Custom1stringOptional. The selection in the agent survey mapped to custom field 1.
Call.Survey.Custom2stringOptional. The selection in the agent survey mapped to custom field 2.
Call.Survey.Custom3stringOptional. The selection in the agent survey mapped to custom field 3.
Call.Survey.UniqueCodestringOptional. The unique code played in the agent survey.
Call.Prompts.PostcodestringOptional. A comma-delimited list of postcodes that were entered in the call.
Call.Prompts.KeysstringOptional. A comma-delimited list of keys that were entered in the call, including any postcodes.

Attribution Parameters

The following parameters are present in every request where attribution information is expected.

Attribution.SourcestringThe "source" attribution parameter. e.g. "bing"
Attribution.MediumstringThe "medium" attribution parameter. e.g. "organic"
Attribution.CampaignstringThe "campaign" attribution parameter. e.g. "2019 promo"
Attribution.ContentstringThe "content" attribution parameter. e.g. "variation 1"

Session Parameters

The following parameters are present in every web-session related request.

Session.Traffic.TypestringThe traffic type. Can be: Campaign, Direct, Organic, Referral, or Unattributed.
Session.KeywordsstringOptional. The search keywords.
Session.ConversionUristringThe URI of the page where the event occurred.
Session.LandingUristringThe URI of the landing page.

Integration Parameters

The following parameters are present depending on the status and type of integration.

Google.Analytics.ClientIdstringOptional. The Google Analytics Universal Client ID. This can be used to push events into Google Analytics Universal.
Google.AdWords.ClickIdstringOptional. The Google AdWords Click ID. Also known as the GCLID.

Call Dispositions

The call disposition will have one of the following values.

ANSWEREDThe call was transferred to an endpoint which answered.
NO ANSWERThe call attempted a transfer to an endpoint but it did not answer.
BUSYThe call attempted a transfer to an endpoint but the endpoint reported busy.
IVRThe call did not attempt a transfer to an endpoint. This can happen when a caller hangs up during an IVR prompt or before the initiation of a transfer.
FAILEDSomething went wrong with the call or the endpoint.