
Retrieve details of your calls with any one of the following requests. Configure Numbers using our Configure Numbers request. Find new numbers with our Find Numbers request.

Resource URI

Complete details about your calls are requested with any one of the following requests. Requests are either for a single call, calls associated with a property, or more comprehensively associated with an account. Calls are sorted from earliest to latest in each response.



URI Parameters

CallSidstringCall secure identifier to retrieve a single record of.
PropertySidstringProperty secure identification to retrieve call details against.
AccountSidstringAccount secure identification to retrieve call details against.

Optional Include Parameters

These resource parameters are to filter the call details if multiple calls are requested, can be used in combination with each other.

(Unix timestamp)
unsigned integerInclude calls after the specified date and time (inclusive).
(Unix timestamp)
unsigned integerInclude calls before the specified date and time (exclusive).
DispositionstringComma delimited call statuses to include. May be:
Answered : Call was successfully answered.
IVR : Call received an interactive voice recording.
Busy : Call received a busy response.
NoAnswer : Call was not answered.
Failed : Call did not reach endpoint.
ToStringComma delimited dialled numbers to include.
EndpointStringComma delimited endpoint numbers to include.
Attribution_SourcestringComma delimited source attributes to include.
Attribution_MediumstringComma delimited medium attributes to include.
Attribution_CampaignstringComma delimited campaign attributes to include.
Attribution_ContentstringComma delimited content attributes to include.
Prompts_keysstringSemi-colon delimited prompt (IVR) keys to include. Nested IVRs can be specified using a comma, for example:
Nested IVR: 1,2
Multiple Nested IVRs: 1,2;3,5
UniquestringResults can be limited to either unique callers or repeat callers. May be:
All : All calls will be included.
Unique : Calls from a new, unique caller will be returned.
Repeat : Calls from a repeat caller identity will be returned.
Results_CountintLimit the results to this number. Default result count is a limit of 200.
Results_SkipintReturn results after the specified index. This enables custom pagination of results.


200 – OK

Our service will respond to every call details request with JSON formatted data. Requests for call details will respond with either a single object or a list of objects containing the following parameters.

Common Response Parameters

CallSidstringA secure identifier for this call.
PropertySidstringThe property identification associated with the call.
(Unix timestamp)
stringThe date time the call started.
(E.164 Format)
stringThe caller identification. If irretrievable, ‘anonymous’ is assigned as the caller identification.
From_CountryCodestringThe country code of the call origin. E.g AU or US
From_RegionstringThe region of the call origin.
From_CitystringThe city of the call origin.
(E.164 Format)
stringThe number dialed by the caller.
To_FriendlystringEndpoint number friendly name if configured.
DurationintegerCall duration in seconds.
DispositionstringThe resulting call disposition. May be:
Answered : Call was successfully answered.
IVR : Call received an interactive voice recording.
Busy : Call received a busy response.
NoAnswer : Call was not answered.
Failed : Call did not reach endpoint.
Recording_UristringA uri for retrieving the recording. If enabled and the call was successful.
EndpointstringThe endpoint reached by the call. If the call was routed to an endpoint.
Attribution_SourcestringThe call was attributed to this source.
Attribution_MediumstringThe call was attributed to this medium.
Attribution_CampaignstringThe call was attributed to this campaign.
Attribution_ContentstringThe call was attributed to this content.
Session_Traffic_TypestringThe traffic type associated with the session attributing to the call. If a dynamic number. May be:
Campaign : A campaign source.
Direct : Site was directly accessed.
Organic : General search or browsing.
Referral : The session was the result of referral.
Unattributed : No attributable source for the session.
Session_KeywordsstringKeywords entered in the session, attributing to the call.
Session_ConversionUristringThe uri extension the call was conducted from.
Session_LandingUristringThe uri landing page where the session was created.
Survey_TypestringThe survey type key assigned to this call. This is a routing configurable key. If assigned.
Survey_ValuestringThe survey value assigned to this call. This is a call specific configurable number. If assigned.
Survey_Custom1stringA custom call field assignable during routing. If assigned.
Survey_Custom2stringA custom call field assignable during routing. If assigned.
Survey_Custom3stringA custom call field assignable during routing. If assigned.
Survey_UniqueCodestringA custom call unique code generated. If assigned.
Prompts_KeysstringKeys pressed during an interactive voice response. If applicable.
NotesstringCustom notes describing this call.
CallTypestringCustom call type.

Integration Response Parameters

Google_Analytics_ClientIdstringGoogle Analytics Client id associated with the session. If Google Analytics integration is enabled.
Google_Adwords_ClickIdstringGoogle Adwords Click Id associated with the session. If Google Adwords integration is enabled.

400 - Error

For error codes and messages, please refer to the REST API Error Codes page.